

Freedom Advocates


Over the past two decades we have seen loss of our liberties.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Freedom Advocates.

We’ve trusted the government to do its primary duty which is to “secure our individual rights”.

President Ronald Reagan warned us that we could lose our liberties in only one generation if we do not work at preserving them.

As we were busy “doing life” and pursuing happiness it’s now become very clear that others have been busy at taking away our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We have seen attacks on our right to free speech, peaceful assemble, redress of our grievances and the right to keep and bear arms. As well as many other rights granted to us by God and enshrined in our State and U.S. Constitutions.

We have watched as freedom advocates have been unjustly imprisoned.  Our government has turned against its citizens by labeling them as “domestic terrorists” simply for standing up for their constitutional rights and disagreeing with them on many issues affecting the people.

We know firsthand how government, big and small, over reached their authority. In doing so they were destructive instead of productive with regards to protecting our individual rights and liberties.

Our US and State constitutions provides for three branches of government to ensure a balance of powers. Each branch is to be separate and distinct having specific duties, and not one branch shall assume the powers of the other. We have seen an immersion of all branches, stepping away from their proper roles. Additionally, we are finding our liberties taken by the existence of a rouge fourth and fifth “pseudo branches”. The fourth being the unelected administrative federal government agencies and the fifth being the media which is in lock step with the three letter agencies.

We are at a very critical point in our country's history. Our liberties are being lost at an alarming rate. Many of our sheriffs stand ready, willing, and able to stand up for our liberties. But they cannot nor should they do it alone. They need Freedom Advocates ready and willing to stand next to them with support and large numbers. They need to know they don't stand alone.

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